Our No Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy
WE HAVE A NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not email unless someone has filled our “webform” to subscribe, expressing an interest our website and/or services. News of the features and benefits of Membership is spread through advertising, joint venture marketing, and word of mouth, so we are only building relationship with folks who wish to learn more about what we have to offer and willingly subscribe to our content and contact through email. You are always completely in control of whether you receive email communication from http://www.ILYAM.com, and can you terminate at any time.

NOTE – Every auto-generated email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed. Therefore, each communication generated by ILYAM.com carries with it the option to “unsubscribe” and never receive another email communication from ILYAM.

If you have received an anonymous email, it is coming from one of our members that would like communicating with you. If you are member, or not, on ILYAM and wish not to receive anymore email from an anonymous sender, please use the link added at the end of that email to put a stop at receiving this email. If you wish never to receive any messages indicating someone wishes to communicate with you, please send us an email at info@ILYAM.com with the following TITLE: BLOCK ANY FURTHER MESSAGES coming from ILYAM. This will BLOCK any further member wishing to communicate with you and you will never receive no more emails from ILYAM.com