Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Ilyam?
A: is a new communication web tool offering unique options playful exchanges between users parts of the site that is to say, users who are members. Among the communications options you find: five messages types that are: Anonymous, Locked, postdated, Do you think about me and Random message.

Q: How many messages can I send?
A: To ensure security, you can send a maximum of one hundred daily messages.

Q: What is an ANONYMOUS message?
A: ANONYMOUS MESSAGE is the heart of ILYaM's reason to be. This option allows you to exchange messages and appear as anonymous to your recipient.

Q: What is a LOCKED message?
A: LOCKED MESSAGE challenges your recipient to correctly answer an enigmatic question in order to unlock the message you sent him. Let your inspiration guide you through unlimited tricks to catch all of your recipient’s attention. As an anonymous sender, your recipient still has the possibility to answer you back, at your wish.

Q: What is a POSTPONED message?
A: POSTPONED MESSAGE allows unlimited postdated deliveries. You have the choice of either add your name as the sender of this message or, like every type of ILYaM deliveries, appear as anonymous.

Q: What is a DO YOU THINK OF ME message?
A: DO YOU THINK OF ME? Allows your message to be read but only once your reicipient identified you. Confirming you were expected!

Q: What is a TO THE WORLD message?
A: Send TO THE WORLD option allows you to send a message anonymously to the world. ILYaM will keep it in a bottle, floating on its clouds till someone retrieves it. Recipient will have the following choices. Answering back to you, delete the message or leave it floating for another ILYaM member to retrieve it.

Q: What is the allowed maximum message length?
A: You can write a message of up to 5000 characters.

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